Patient Information

We have an open list and welcome requests for registration from patients living in or moving to the practice area. You can register by completing a form available from the website or pop into reception. You will also be asked to provide us with proof of residence and photo ID.  We recommend that new patients undertake a health check with a practice nurse, and you will be asked to make an appointment for this when you register. You will also be asked to complete a New Patient Health Check Questionnaire, a copy of this is also available to download, please return it to the surgery, preferably before you come for your health check appointment

Temporary Registration If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient. You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice. To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered

Welcome to Kirkoswald Surgery website where you will find lots of useful information about your local Practice.


Please take time to browse and see the services that we offer. However, before you do, could we ask that you make a note of a couple of points that would be really appreciated in respect of our Dispensary. Firstly, could we ask that you give us at least 2 full working days notification to allow us to prepare all medications and secondly please note that prescriptions are currently £9.90 per item. The good news is, that for your convenience, we are now able to take card payments. However, if you prefer to pay by cash, it would be really helpful if you could have the correct change available.


Thank you for your cooperation.